Arrows Group conducts successful first chat on Twitter

Arrows Group successfully organized its first Twitter Chat today ’Getting Your Talent Strategy Right for the Digital Economy’ with James Parsons, Co-Founder and CEO, Arrows Group, as the host. Despite this being the first such chat for Arrows Group, the event saw a phenomenal result with reach over 68,000 Twitter accounts, and 319,000 impressions being generated within the chat hour. The chat saw enthusiastic questions about smart robots taking over present-day jobs, adapting our hiring campaigns to the mobile revolution, and the increasing demand for employee retention.

A regular speaker at staffing and business events, James was keen on using the Twitter platform to reach out to a wider set of audience, to share his experience in building compelling employee value propositions for digital enterprises. James is encouraged by the great engagement he saw during the chat today.

With the rise of the Internet of Things (IoT) and Artificial Intelligence, traditional companies need to transform themselves into digital enterprises. And for this to happen, enterprises cannot just reinvent their business from the ground up, but also find the right talent to make it happen, talent that is not just digitally savvy, but digitally ‘smart.’ The Twitter chat focused on answering the key questions when designing the digital DNA of the present-day enterprise.
