On Thursday 15th June, we held our annual Sales Conference and AGM at OXO2. The entire offices from London and Amsterdam, and 15 from our Indian office got together for a full day designed to focus on collaboration and agile working across the four tribes. The Sales Conference involved cross-tribe workshops to help us improve the services and quality of work we offer.

The day finished with Colin Burgess, the Director of Operations at Sky, sharing his knowledge and experience of the media and communications industry. He spoke through three main themes: being the real deal; being agile and focusing on the essential, and used his experience to explain these to us. Colin gave us a great insight into what makes good business practice and the importance of building successful relationships, and it was entertaining to all to hear and learn from one of our biggest Clients.

The AGM started in the evening with a champagne reception as everyone arrived back at OXO2 after changing into black tie. Our CEO, James Parsons, spoke about our performance and achievements over the last year and we celebrated the outstanding performances with awards in a variety of areas. He spoke about industry trends, our challenges and our strategy for the year ahead. We learnt about the company he saw Arrows being by 2020 and how we could use our roles and positions in the company to make progress towards this.

The day finished with dinner, drinks and the opportunity to spend time with colleagues from the different offices across the world – something we don’t have the chance to do often enough.
