Arrows Group hosts regular Agile Evangelist forums across Europe dedicated to thought leaders with inspirational speakers and interactive discussions, tackling challenges in organisational redesign and business transformation.
This event is no different and we take great pleasure in welcoming Jeff Sutherland, one of Scrum’s original co-creators. Jeff will be joined by Maarten, a certified Scrum Professional with vast experience of Agile and Lean methodologies.
Part of the key to Scrum’s success is that it allows for context-driven solutions and processes – which is why no two Scrum implementations are identical. So why does conversation about scaling Scrum focus on finding a proscriptive, one-size fits all solution? The conversation should instead be about how to scale the underlying principles of the Scrum framework that have enabled it to be so adaptable.
The Scrum at Scale framework is the first move in that direction. It is a minimal extension of the core Scrum framework that keeps the modular structure at the core of the Scrum framework, and allows you to scale a Scrum implementation tailored to the unique needs of your company.
About our speakers
Jeff Sutherland, Inventor and Co-Creator of Scrum
Maarten Hoppen, Professional Scrum Master/Trainer, VX Company